Anaerobic digestion CFD simulations for optimal mixing
Anaerobic digester design optimisation using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) accounting for sludge rheology and viscosity. Dead zones and mixing optimisation (impeller type and reactor).
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Questions we answer with CFD
For various customers across the world we simulate anaerobic digestion systems to answer operational and design questions such as:
- How do we configure the mixers, and which types?
- Can we optimise the reactor design?
- Can you analyse our current systems? (in case of mixing problems)
The solutions we offer
We then use the CFD model to test different system improvements on the computer. This is much easier and less risky compared to real-scale testing. We troubleshoot the design and operation and suggest system improvements based on our outcomes.

Very realistic CFD models
- We account for the high viscosity and so-called 'non-newtonian' behaviour of digesters.
- Recirculation loops, mixing, real geometries, ... are taken into account
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