CFD-Kinetics industry's most powerful engineering tool

We offer industry's most realistic engineering and digital twin models by combining computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with kinetic models.

CFD-Kinetic simulation for the water industry

AM-Team is internationally known for its track record in CFD-Kinetic modelling. Customers from all over the globe work with AM-Team for this unique expertise, combined with application experience. This framework provides the most comprehensive understanding of chemical and biological reactions within treatment processes and has literally been used to develop novel patented concepts.

These models are also used to tackle industry's biggest challenges such as greenhouse gas emission quantification and mitigation, emerging contaminants and maximising treatment infrastructure in view of new regulation.

Combining reaction kinetics with CFD

CFD-Kinetic models integrate biological or chemical reactions with CFD to accurately predict and visualise process performance in full 3D.

These models are industry’s most powerful engineering models as they include both process kinetics and hydrodynamics. This integration allows for detailed analysis of reaction rates, contaminant removal efficiencies, and the impact of various operational conditions. The unprecedented process insights enable advanced process optimisation, design and innovation.

Our globally uniuque CFD-Kinetic models were used to develop novel technologies and design or optimise numerous facilities worldwide.

A practical implementation scheme based on industry experience

For the true value of digital twins to manifest, a combination of digital expertise and water industry experience and understanding is crucial. The sweet spot to start digital twin applications is where visible pain points can be matched with mature digital solutions. This is usually where AM Team starts as it leads to value in the short-term and arouses enthusiasm and creativity from the people involved. Tasting the low hanging fruit makes people asking for more.

Digital twins offering value in a matter of weeks

The phrase ‘digital twin’ may sound intimidating, while the start can be very simple and fast and models do not have to be over complicated. Also, a common misconception is that huge amounts of high-quality data are needed to get started.

Our mechanistic models have "prior knowledge" and can work in data-scarce environments. Usually, our digital twin projects start offering tangible value in a matter of weeks.

The initial stage of DT implementation usually leads to immediate process performance and efficiency gains. The low-hanging fruit lays the foundation for the long-term value.

Discover how our solution works

Micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals have to be removed from secondary effluents across Europe. In addition, emerging contaminants are a key topic in drinking water and reuse schemes. Dutch waterboard Waterschap De Dommel was the first utility relying on virtual piloting using our AMOZONE simulation model. We assessed three of their treatment plants.

Why choose for our CFD-kinetics solution?

  • Competitive edge: leading technology vendors work with us to innovate designs and drastically reduce time to market
  • Smart and future-proof design: utilities and end users rely on this framework to optimise and maximise expensive treatment infrastructure
  • Efficient engineering: in a matter of weeks we finish large-scale projects and avoid trial-and-error-based iterations
  • Smart digitalisation: our CFD-kinetic models are the most powerful foundation of plant-wide digital twin models that can run in real time

Water Europe innovation award 2022

Water Europe, founded by the European Commission, has recognised us with the prestigious Digital Water Innovation Award for our groundbreaking AMOZONE technology. A key reason was the drastic acceleration AMOZONE can bring in view of implementation of the updated EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and making the step towards reuse.

Select the right technology using virtual piloting

Onsite ozone or advanced oxidation piloting typically costs between 200 and 400k EUR and takes 1 year or more. Did you know that you can reduce piloting costs by 90% by replacing or complementing your on-site testing with virtual piloting?

“It saves time, effort and cost overall. The time to set up a trial, run it and have meaningful data can take a lot of effort. By modelling the trial, we realized that none of the options would have worked for us and we needed to look at alternatives.”

Clemence Carlinet
Process Engineer at Watercare
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Want to learn more?

Watch the full webinar recording to learn more about:

  • The core reaction fundamentals you need to know as a practitioner
  • The challenges with piloting, design and operation of an ozonation plant, supported by real case studies
  • How computer simulation can replace on-site testing
  • The risk of bromate formation and how to mitigate it
  • Real-time prediction of micropollutant removal
  • Live demos with the process simulation model AMOZONE

Join our upcoming Amozone webinar

Join us on wednesday 27 March to discover more about:

  • A summary of practitioner’s challenges that come with ozonation for micropollutant removal
  • Numerous case examples showing how years of ‘real piloting’ was replaced by weeks of ‘virtual piloting’ using the computer model AMOZONE
  • Unprecedented insights on the next generation reactor and system design, tailored to secondary effluent
  • Live demos with the process simulation model AMOZONE

Latest insights

IWA Webinar on CFD

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD): a revolutionary tool for the water industry

The new engineering simulation tool AMOZONE

The power of advanced simulation

When we started our business in 2017, digitalisation or model-based design in the water industry was in its infancy. Years of pioneering work has helped us to make modern computer simulation mainstream. Today, we are involved in numerous design, optimisation and digitalisation projects worldwide.

Frequently asked questions

Working with AM-Team can take multiple forms, depending on your objectives and challenges. Our modelling services, support and strategic consulancy can take the form of projects or long-term service contracts. Our digital solutions such as digital twins take the form of software licensing and service agreements. With end users such as utilities or industry, we either work directly or in partnership / consortia with other companies.

In the vast amount of cases, first tangible outcomes are available within a few weeks. Our specific approach implies fast and regular outcomes combined with proportionally limited data requirements. Long-term projects are engineered as such that valuable outcomes appear gradually and frequently.

We offer value throughout the various stages of planning, design, operation and training and also provide strategic input to digitalisation roadmaps. Main value ttributes (often combined in one case) are significant time and cost savings, improved process performance and efficiency, reduction of carbon footrpint, better, faster and future-proof decision making, improved communication and faster training.

We offer value throughout the various stages of planning, design, operation and training and also provide strategic input to digitalisation roadmaps. Main value ttributes (often combined in one case) are significant time and cost savings, improved process performance and efficiency, reduction of carbon footrpint, better, faster and future-proof decision making, improved communication and faster training.

Yes we do offer AI solutions, but fit for purpose. We try to not be blinded by the hype and look at sustainable value by matching the right tools to the right problems. This is what we like to call 'models fit for purpose'. AI is specifically interesting when the following criteria are being met: 1) an abundance of high-quality and high-frequency data, 2) systems that are hard to describe with knowledge-driven (mechanistic) models. Throughout the years we found out that knowledge-driven and data-driven models are highly complimentary, with a mutual compensation of weaknesses.

Accelerate today

Experience the power of advanced simulation. Contact us for a tailored solution.