Elevate your projects with cutting edge solutions

Engineering firms can enhance their project outcomes with our advanced modelling and simulation solutions.

We help consulting and engineering firms achieving four major goals:

  • More successful commercial bidding: increased sales and profits through competitive advantage and differentiation.

  • Overcoming expertise / experience bottlenecks:  our team is a reliable and available sourceof expertise and experience, solely focused on the water industry.

  • Overcoming complex or difficult design exercises:we remove stress, uncertainty and burden during project execution. We understand your risks and time constraints.

  • Maximising project success: we have proven numerous times that our involvement in projects leads to highly performing and differentiating concepts that cause lasting change in our industry.

Enhancing efficiency and precision in treatment design

AM-Team collaborates with engineering firms globally by integrating advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and biokinetic modelling into their projects. We are involved in some of world's largest projects.

We have developed a library of globally unique treatment models for process engineering, design and optimisation. These tools help engineers design more efficient and effective systems while gaining speed and lowering design risk.

Driving innovation with advanced modeling and simulation

AM-Team helps numerous technology vendors with accelerating product development, optimizing products and aid commercialisation. Our CFD and biokinetic models allow vendors to gain competitive edge in the market through speed, performance and differentiation. Most of these projects are highly confidential.

Virtual prototyping and scale-up

We have helped numerous technology companies with model-based design, which saves signficant development resources. In addition, our virtual scale-up framework using industry's most realistic models is a game changer in tech development and commercialisation. For several customers, we have shortened time to market with several years.

Strategic solutions at every stage

1. Bidding stage

We focus on the unique process modeling contributions to differentiate offers, and boost the value of offerings. Examples are virtual piloting, model-based design (CFD and kinetics) and digital twins tailored to treatment plants.

2. Technology and equipment selection

Our large simulation team can execute fast and tailors the approach to the needs of complex and time constrained projects. We execute CFD and kinetic assessments for unit processes and treatment plants.

3. Model-based design support

We virtually evaluate and iterate designs for de-risking and achieve optimal performance.

4. Digital twins for smart operation

We build digital twins of treatment processes and full plants

Virtual design and optimisation with Digital Twins

The interest in digital twin technology in the water industry is growing exponentially. Our solutions allow engineering firms to also integrate digital twin solutions into their offerings. We are known for world's most realistic treatment-level digital twins with minimal recalibration/ training requirements.

Maximizing efficiency and compliance with advanced modelling

In the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industry, we optimize treatment processes using a smart combination of ‘knowledge-driven’ tools such as advanced CFD and biokinetic models and ‘data-driven’ tools such as artificial intelligence and statistical models. We help industries to virtually assess upgrades and stress-test current assets. Our models are tailored to the complex industrial water matrices.

The 5E concept

The true business case of digitalisationshapes up when multiple challenges are tackled simultaneously. We aim tocombine the 3Es from the process side with the 2Es from the people side.


Meeting new demands while making optimal use of assets.


Saving energy and chemicals, minimal piloting, CapEx / OpEx minimisation, ...


Effective quantification and mitigation of GHG emissions.


Accelerated training knowledge expansion.


Understanding and using new digital tools.

The 5E concept

The true business case of digitalisation shapes up when multiple challenges are tackled simultaneously. We aim to combine the 3Es from the process side with the 2Es from the people side.


Meeting new demands while making optimal use of assets.


Saving energy and chemicals, drastic reduction of piloting, CapEx / OpEx saving, ...


Effective quantification and mitigation of GHG emissions.


Accelerated training and knowledge expansion.


Understanding and using new digital tools.

“It saves time, effort and cost overall. The time to set up a trial, run it and have meaningful data can take a lot of effort. By modelling the trial, we realized that none of the options would have worked for us and we needed to look at alternatives.”

Clemence Carlinet
Process Engineer at Watercare
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Frequently asked questions

Working with AM-Team can take multiple forms, depending on your objectives and challenges. Our modelling services, support and strategic consulancy can take the form of projects or long-term service contracts. Our digital solutions such as digital twins take the form of software licensing and service agreements. With end users such as utilities or industry, we either work directly or in partnership / consortia with other companies.

AM-Team's core uniqueness is the combination of international industry understanding, treatment process expertise and leading-edge modelling and digitalisation skills. Throughout the years we have evolved from a modelling company to a strategic digitalisation and implementation partner. We combine internationally recognised expertise in knowledge-driven (mechanistic) modelling with data-driven approaches (statistics, ML, ...). AM-Team has developed a library of globally unique and patented mechanistic models that target big challenges in the water and environmental industry. Our solutions have been implemented at over 150 facilities in 4 continents

We offer value throughout the various stages of planning, design, operation and training and also provide strategic input to digitalisation roadmaps. Main value attributes (often combined in one case) are significant time and cost savings, improved process performance and efficiency, reduction of carbon footrpint, better, faster and future-proof decision making, improved communication and faster training.

Our digital solutions are designed for minimal onsite work or intervention. We immediately start providing value based on data or information that already exists. Only if necessary, additional data collection or testing will be needed. For our digital twin solutions, our application partners can minimise implementation burden.

Accelerate today

Experience the power of advanced simulation. Contact us for a tailored solution.