The new engineering simulation tool AMOZONE

January 20, 2024
Written by
Wim Audenaert, CEO of AM-Team

AM-TEAM launched the novel ozonation process model AMOZONE. This simulation model will help removing financial, regulatory and technological barriers and can significantly accelerate process implementation, design and scale-up.

The full webinar recording of the launch event are is available!: VIEW WEBINAR RECORDING AND SLIDES

New upcoming webinar!:​ WEBINAR REGISTRATION

Fulll case study available: READ THE CASE STUDY

What is this AMOZONE engineering simulation tool?

AMOZONE predicts ozone transfer and decay, hydroxyl radical production, bromate formation, target pollutant removal and other important phenomena as function of operational and design settings (e.g. sidestream injection vs fine bubble diffusion) and water matrix changes (e.g. surface water A, B, C and secondary efluent A, B and C). The important process factors impacting process performance and cost are given in Figure 1.

Engineering of ozonation for water and wastewater treatment: challenges

Figure 1: overview of the four categories of factors impacting ozonation process performance and cost. The realistic AMOZONE simulation model considers care of all non-human factors.

The model provides in depth process understandiing and can be used to tackle the important challenges mentioned in Figure 2:

Three applications of the AMOZONE simulation model for ozonation

Figure 2: the main categories of questions the model can help answering

The model simulates at a very high resolution (i.e. many 'virtual sampling ports') the relevant variables. This resolution can never be obtained with real-life piloting. And any operational setting can be varied easily. (Figures 3-5).

A virtual full-scale ozonation plant showing ozone residual, CT, bromate and microcontaminants

Figure 3: the virtual treatment train (top) and visualisation of  variables of interest (eg ozone, hydroxyl radicals, bromate, ...) throughout the train

Micropollutant, or pharmaceutical oxidation during ozonation with ozone and hydroxyl radicals

Figure 4: prediction of target contaminant removal at different spots in he train. The amount of target contaminants that can be included is unlimited, and this resolution of data cannot be obtained in real life.

Questions about AMOZONE?


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