Design a drinking water storage basins
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to design a new drinking water storage basin. We saved CapEx and could avoid dead zones. Final design has optimal plug flow and hydraulic performance.
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We help drinking water companies with optimal design of storage reservoirs while looking for significant cost saving. We use CFD prior to construction, which is of tremendous value. In this project example, we helped our customer Pidpa with the construction of a new reservoir. Goals included:
- How can we have optimal mixing and avoid dead zones, for optimal water quality?
- How can we reduce the reservoir footprint, or save concrete walls?
We tested 16 different designs in a matter of two weeks, could deliver a design with optimal hydraulic mixing and minimal CapEx. We could save several concrete walls while improving mixing.

With CFD, we test:
- Different baffle placements
- Optimal pipe diameters and inlet and outlet locations
- Optimal shapes
- The impact of flow rates and water level

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