Saving scale-up cost and effort and designing more effectively - Novel MBR concept

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool for membrane bioreactor (MBR) design, optimisation and scale-up. Aeration, baffles, membranes, inlets were optimised. Shear on membranes due to air scouring was quantified.

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Finding optimal operational settings and reactor geometry

Maezawa Industries, Inc (Japan) wanted to drastically reduce scale-up time, costs, and effort and shorten their time to market. We collaborated with them to overcome these challenges. Their novel concept works with variable volumes and flow patterns, and flow rates were hard to optimise based on trial and error. We have combined multiphase CFD (fine + coarse bubble aeration) with kinetics to have the 'real system' on our computer for fast design and experimentation.

Hokkaido University logo Maezawa Industries

Results of the project

  • Five different full-scale designs were tested before implementation
  • One of the designs had superior performance (best effluent quality, with same input)
Membrane bioreactor (MBR) permeate quality as function of process design

Watch this video on how Maezawa Industries benefited from CFD modelling

See the gas holdup in the below video

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