Mitigation of N2O emissions, performance and efficiency improvement at industrial wastewater treatment plant

Evides Industriewater partnered with AM-Team to identify and mitigate N2O emissions at an industrial wastewater treatment plant. Using advanced modeling and virtual mitigation testing, they pinpointed key emission sources and optimized carbon dosing strategies. The result? A projected 87% cut in N2O emissions, 10% savings on external carbon, and a 10-15% reduction in effluent total nitrogen (TN). This innovative approach enhances plant performance while reducing environmental impact.

Evides Industriewater
Evides Industriewater customer case – Mitigation of N2O emissions at an industrial wastewater treatment plant. Digital model of wastewater treatment showing emission hotspots. Project on improving performance, efficiency, and sustainability in wastewater treatment.

Case highlights

  • 3 main N2O production hotspots and root causes identified
  • Models matched sensor and liquid-phase N2O data
  • Carbon limitation identified as the dominant N2O root cause
  • Expected impact: 87% reduction of N2O emissions; 10% external carbon saving; 10-15% reduction of effluent TN

Introduction and problem statement

The Dutch water company Evides Industriewater operates multiple wastewater treatment plants in the Netherlands. At one of their industrial wastewater treatment sites (Figure 1), they were investigating opportunities for simultaneous plant optimisation and greenhouse gas emission reduction. Nitrous oxide (N2O)measurements from a temporary campaign revealed highly dynamic process emissions with significant peaks. The true sources of N2O were hard to identify, as multiple factors, or a combination of them, could have caused the emissions. As root causes were unclear, it was difficult for Evides Industriewater to identify and rank mitigation actions that would positively affect both carbon footprint and plant performance.

Figure 1: Layout and configuration of the industrial wastewater treatment plant under investigation. The wastewater has municipal characteristics but is highly dynamic and has a rather high ammonia load.

Plant characteristics

  • Industrial WWTP with municipal characteristics
  • Reactor type: conventional activated sludge system with pre-denitrification
  • More concentrated in NH4 and less COD; complex influent dynamics
  • Liquid-phase onsite N2O monitoring performed (Unisense sensors)
  • EF estimated at 0.16% (0.016 N2O N/ incoming NH4 N)

Solution and objectives

Evides Industriewater worked with AM-Team to identify the root causes of N2O and identify the best mitigation strategies. Such model-based assessment, based on real plant data, reveals key insights that are impossible to extract from onsite data only.

The objectives were to:

  • Screen general plant performance
  • Identify the N2O root causes
  • Rank those root causes according to their contribution
  • Virtually test mitigation strategies that would simultaneously benefit plant performance and carbon footprint
  • Rank those strategies in terms of impact and feasibility

“The multitude of strategies tested by the model were impossible to evaluate on site at the real plant. Based on a scientifically sound methodology, we were able to test and rank mitigation measures and identified the most promising ones to implement.” - Ioanna Gkoutzamani, process engineer Evides Industriewater


AM-Team’s 3D CFD-N2O model and dynamic N2O model were used for 3D and dynamic assessment. Both models serve different purposes: the 3D model reveals spatial patterns and local N2O hotspots, while the dynamic model reveals the dynamic plant response as function of time, based on influent dynamics. Both models were calibrated and validated against actual plant data.

3 types of input data (a mixture of online and offline data) were used:

  • Available influent data (flows, COD, ammonia, …)
  • Operational data (eg air flows, carbon dosing, …)
  • Plant design data (sizing, layout)

Simulations were run under different operational conditions, reflecting the real situation. ‘What-if’ mitigation scenarios included operational modifications beyond the current operation.

Results and findings

Root cause analysis

The 3D dissolved oxygen (DO) profile in Figure 2 reveals that most of the aerobic zones were very low in dissolved oxygen. Only in the second part of aerobic zone 2, DO levels started to increase to levels around 2 mg/L. Low levels of DO stimulated local N2O production in the aerobic zones (Figure 2, right). However, also the recycling of DO back to the anoxic zone locally caused an N2O hotspot due to the high ammonia levels in that spot. Next to the impact of DO, also a carbon limitation in anoxic zone 1 caused an N2O hotspot. As such, 3 main root causes could be identified. The root cause related to carbon limitation was expected to be the dominant pathway with an estimated relative contribution of >90%.

“The 3D root cause analysis by our CFD-N2O model is comparable to an x-ray scan in the hospital: it provides a heat map of hot spots of N2O production (red) and consumption (blue). These visuals not only provide immediate understanding of what drives the N2O emissions, but can also be easily understood by everyone” - Dr. Giacomo Bellandi, Technology Lead AM-Team
Figure 2: 3D DO levels (left) and local production / consumption of N2O (right). Different N2O hotspots were identified in various parts of the bioreactor.

The temporary N2O monitoring campaign conducted by Evides Industriewater revealed significant dynamics and peaks, causing a dynamic emission profile (Figure 3) with 2 peaks per day. Calibrated based on the available onsite plant data, the dynamic model captured DO, ammonia and ultimately the N2O dynamics. Worth noticing is that reasonable fits could be obtained despite a reasonable scarcity of influent information. While additional influent information, specifically influent carbon, could further improve model accuracy, the model was found sufficiently adequate to start virtual mitigation strategy testing.

The dynamic model further confirmed that C limitation (limiting Heterotrophic denitrification) was the dominant root cause of the peaks and hence virtual mitigation strategy testing could start.

Figure 3: Dynamic profiles of measured (dots) and predicted (lines) of DO, ammonia and liquid-phase N2O levels. The significant N2O dynamics could be captured by the dynamic model.

Virtual mitigation strategy testing

Given that the model could identify the N2O root causes, it was consequently being used to run ‘what-if’ scenarios with the aim of reducing these emissions and improving general plant performance and efficiency. This ‘virtual mitigation strategy testing’ revealed that adjusting the carbon dosing was a core strategy to mitigate. The impact of different adjusted C dosing strategies on N2O peaks becomes clearly visible from Figure 4.

Even though C-dosing was already an inherent part of the operations, the key was in adjusting the dosing strategy in terms of timing. According to the simulation outcomes, an ‘optimized C dosing strategy’ (COD proportional) could potentially reduce emissions by 87% and carbon dosing requirements by 10%. In addition, effluent total nitrogen (TN) was expected to reduce with 10-15%. As shown in the dynamic N2O pattern, peaks are expected to completely disappear with this strategy.

Figure 4: Reduction of N2O emissions as a result of adjusted C dosing strategies and resulting consumption of C source. The selected scenario is expected to reduce emissions by 87% and C consumption by 10%

As also other root causes were responsible for N2O emissions (see Figure 2), additional optimisation potential is in further adjusting the aeration controls, specifically avoiding low DO levels (aeration zone 1 and first half of zone 2) and DO recycling (end of zone 2). However, C dosing adjustment was expected to have the highest ROI in terms of 3E optimization (Emissions, Effluent, Efficiency). The model outcomes supported the business case for the onsite works and at the time of this writing, Evides Industriewater is implementing the new dosing strategy.

Conclusion and impact

Evides Industriewater could pinpoint the N2O root causes and as a result, act upon them. 3 main root causes were identified, leading to local N2O production hotspots: 1) undesired recycling of oxygen from the aerobic to anoxic zone, 2) very low DO levels in most of the aerobic zones and 3) carbon limitation. The latter was identified to be the dominant pathway of N2O production.

According to the virtual mitigation strategy testing, optimising the already implemented carbon dosing is expected to reduce N2O emissions by 87% and would bring an additional OpEx saving of 10% external carbon demand. In addition, effluent quality is expected to improve with 10-15% in terms of TN removal.

Without the model insights, Evides Industriewater could not have tested those scenarios onsite and the outcomes were used to support the business case for onsite works. Implementation of the mitigation measures is currently ongoing.

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