World's most validated bioreactor CFD model - Why our proprietary model is highly accurate, and how we proved it
Validation of CFD model at full-scale WWTP using dissolved oxygen (DO) profiling and velocity measurements. Model fit with DO data was excellent. Denitrification and nitrification were included in the WWTP CFD model.
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Introducing: world's most validated WWTP CFD model. Highly reliable.
Many people know CFD, but often question number 1 is: how valid are these simulations? Can we trust the models enough to make decisions based on the outcomes? There is only one way to show the world that our proprietary bioreactor CFD model closely matches reality: compare the simulations to measurements. Our client Waterschap De Dommel gave us the opportunity to execute a globally unique measurement campaign: using a construction crane.
What we measured:
- Dissolved oxygen concentrations at 99 locations (different depths)
- Flow velocity measurements at 8 locations along the whole depth
- These measurements were performed at different aeration settings to challenge the model

Result: world's most extensively validated WWTP CFD model
- Velocity predictions closely matched reality and the data trend was well described
- Oxygen measurements closely matched the expected trends
- We knew from earlier work that large gradients exist, even (especially) in aerated zones (oxygen gradient of 97% along the depth). This was confirmed
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