Optimal design of pellet softening reactors

Optimal design of pellet softening reactors using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Optimal CaOH (calcium hydroxide; lime) dosing. Equal fluidization. Smaller reactor size, optimal pellet size distribution, avoid shortcircuiting.

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How the optimal pellet softening reactor looks like

Pellet softening is a well established process for the softening of drinking water. However, an optimal reactor has the following properties:

  • Wash out of (fine) pellets is prevented
  • Lime dosed at the bottom is optimally mixed in the lower part
  • Pellet fluidization is homogeneous, with no shortcircuiting through the bed
  • Reactor height is kept minimal

Together with the large Dutch drinking water company Vitens we are defining the optimal design of pellet softening reactors.

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A very realistic full-scale 3D model

We use so-called 'multiphase CFD', realistically accounting for both water and pellets (solids). Different pellet classes with different sizes and densities were added to the model and fluidization of each class could be assessed.

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