Maximising the air scouring performance of novel membrane modules

Membrane scouring of novel flat sheet membrane modules was optimised using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Shear stress on membranes for fouling prevention was quantified by CFD. Increased viscosity (rheology) due to high MLSS (activated sludge concen

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Our client, the Belgian company Blue Foot Membranes has commercialised the IPCTM ('Integrated Permeate Channel') membrane: a fully backwashable flat sheet membrane. We used advanced 3D modelling to optimise the air scouring over the membranes and across the module. Eight different virtual prototypes with varying aerators and aerator configurations were evaluated within a few weeks without the need to build and test physical prototypes. (full article available on this topic)

Membrane design factors to consider for microfiltration, ultrafiltration design

The model accounted for:

  • Fine and coarse bubble aeration
  • High sludge concentration
  • Fow patterns (i.e. shear) along the membrane surface

Further reading: full article available

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